The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters Blogathon


My best friend and follow blogger Zoë gave me the enormously difficult pleasure of taking part in this blogathon. It all originated with a brilliant idea from Dell on Movies, which stated the following:

A list of 10 iconic female movie characters has been made. That list will be assigned to another blogger who can then change it by removing one character (describing why they think she should not be on the list) and replacing it with another one (also with motivation) and hand over the baton to another blogger. Once assigned, that blogger will have to put his/her post up within a week. If this is not the case the blogger who assigned it has to reassign it to another blogger.

Now, this was a lot of fun. It took some thinking, because even though iconic female characters are plenty (yet under appreciated a lot of the time), emotions are involved with this list. I did realize taking off names like Ellen Ripley and Princess Leia would cause the internet to explode, The only tricky part was choosing a character from the damn near perfect list Zoë sent me to shoo one off and replace with someone just as deserving.

So, without further ado:

ellen ripley

princess leia

marge gunderson

scarlet ohara

jackie brown

rose woodhouse

clarice starling


the bride


Who didn’t make it:



Don’t get me wrong: From the number of Bond films I’ve seen, I have always adored Judie Dench as M. She is classy, straightforward and powerful. So why did I have to kick her off? Well, I took a look at the list and considered what I thought of as viable options, and M is the only character I see on there that hasn’t had a cultural impact with who she is.

Who gets to go on:

Maria von Trapp

Maria Von Trapp

Why? Julie Andrews impressed the world with her portrayal as Maria. I have always enjoyed this movie so much and it impressively spans time so that it is never boring even though it is rather old. Maria is patient, sweet, kind and funny and I really think she had an enormous impact on society. Even now, when I think of pure class, I think of Julie Andrews. She has gone through the horror of losing her impressive singing voice and still managed to continue her career in Hollywood and has always been so dignified, even as a young lady here.

I hereby nominate Kim from Tranquil Dreams. Kim, you have a week! 🙂 (and the best of luck!)

21 thoughts on “The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters Blogathon

  1. ACK!!!!! You’ve just shattered me bestie! Good reasoning for your addition of Maria! Thanks for taking part, this was most fun!

  2. Very nice choice, Natasha. Honestly, I’d forgotten about her. I love M, also, but I agree with your logic for taking her off. Thank you very much for keeping my little relay going.

    • Thanks! Taking someone off was extremely tricky, M and everyone on there are so deserving!

      Thanks for starting it, it was great fun 🙂

  3. Great choice, Natasha! You’ve taken off the one I would have too and I loooove The Sound Of Music. Maria rocks & doesn’t get the recognition she deserves. Good job! 🙂

  4. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters Blogathon | Tranquil Dreams

  5. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters | Ten Stars or Less

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