Blindspot 2015: The Godfather Part II (1974)

godfather 2 poster

“There are many things my father taught me here in this room. He taught me: keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

Plot: The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York is portrayed while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on his crime syndicate stretching from Lake Tahoe, Nevada to pre-revolution 1958 Cuba.

Rating: 9.5/10

Godfather young vito

I rated this one exactly the same as I did the first one, although I have to confess that I liked the first one just a bit more. The second film is really really good, but it took just a few seconds longer to really start running. I thought it was brilliant to provide some insight into Vito Corleone’s past that had made him the man he was at the time of his death. Robert de Niro did a beautiful job as young Vito – he had that same quiet quality to him that Marlon Brando had displayed in part one. Al Pacino was again my main man Michael – he did a great job with such a fascinating character and was utterly convincing yet again. Even though there is no way that he is above board, I rooted for him all the way through. His wife, played by Diane Keaton, turned so reprehensible at the end and I was furious about all her baby-killing antics. Robert Duvall was again one of my favourite characters with his cool head and loyalty to the people that raised him.

The change between the story of Vito and the story of Michael was done really well. I thought both were of extreme significance because it also highlights the love Vito had for Michael and the dynamics that shaped both of them. It also highlights the similarities between father and son and that Michael would always firstly believe in protecting his family and being the head of the family.

The best thing about these two movies is that three hours rush by and you barely notice that it is happening. I thought the scenes were extremely well laid out and progressed beautifully into each other. The score is also really well done, and I even liked the horrendous yellow couches in Michael’s home.

These two movies have definitely been the best of my Blindspot series so far 😀

7 thoughts on “Blindspot 2015: The Godfather Part II (1974)

  1. Bestie!!!!!!! You have no idea how happy it makes me that you loved these movies so much and that they were favourites of yours on your Blind Spot list! They are freaking amazing and there is just too much to love! I mean we just watched them and I could totally do it all over again!

  2. Sweetest Kidney!!!

    I don’t know if you remember but I didn’t exactly love the first one so I’ve been hesitant to look at this. Excellent review!!


    Sugar Pappy!

  3. Pingback: Blindspot 2015: The Prestige (2006) | Life of this city girl

  4. Pingback: Blindspot 2015: Final Feedback | Life of this city girl

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