Blindspot 2016: Love Actually (2003)


Plot:Follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various loosely interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas in London, England.

Rating: 6.5/10

What I liked:


Alan Rickman. I feel that he should do the voiceovers on my life. My sarcasm levels are spectacular and he sounds like the inside of my head feels like (but female. Erm.). He also played a character I’m not used to seeing him portray – just a normal man in a marriage that has become monotonous and a habit (he was also a bit of a douche though)

Love actually colin

Colin Firth. Sheesh. My love for this man. He’s so sweet and British and perfect. His character had such bad luck – i.e. his girlfriend banging someone, and then his story went so lovely and romantic and all bilingual. Goodness. (I do wish he had more time on screen though!)


The kid who found true love and his father. Liam Neeson? Yes. He is such an enjoyable actor and seeing him paired up with this lovesick baby was just too adorable.

Love atually prime minister

Hugh Grant as the Prime Minister and his lady friend. They could have made a movie exclusively about these two and it would have work much better. Hugh Grant has buckets of cool and class and style. He is quite quiet lately (Except for the spectacular The Man From U.N.C.L.E) and I wish he would appear in more things. The dry British wit, charm, amazing hair and improbably Prime Minister antics were hilarious and sweet.

Martin Freeman – it is so weird to see him playing a normal character. It was fun though.

Love Actually Karl

These two – however, they were really just thrown into the story and pulled so frequently that it felt that they were time fillers, and it is sad since Laura Linney gave one of the best performances in the movie.

What I didn’t like:

Love actually keira

Keira Knightley. So. Annoying. This was before she went on her serious roles binge and she used to be this preppy, overly larged mouthed quirky person (the Bend it Like Beckham years). I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, she’s WAY too good in playing an evil character. It must be, inherent. That was mean, I am sorry, BUT, her character in here  – it was one thing for that guy to be a stalker infatuated with her, but eventually he got over it and THEN SHE KISSED HIM. You were married like what, three weeks ago, TO HIS BEST FRIEND?

Did the writer get bored with finalizing the script? That is what happens when there are too many characters in one movie. Kris Marshall’s escapades to the States? He was such a funny little oddball character and got about three scenes and had no real screen time.

Bill Nighy’s character. What happened here? Was he declaring that he’s in love with his manager OR that he loves his manager, which, both are totally fine, but I would love to know which one it was.

I can say that Love Actually isn’t a bad film. It has some good moments, but too many characters made what could have been a good movie vaguely confusing.

Have you seen it? What did you think?



20 thoughts on “Blindspot 2016: Love Actually (2003)

  1. This is one of those movies that always makes me feel good. It’s also one of those movies that I don’t really think is good. So, there’s conflict.

  2. Haha! Yeah…. I can’t stand Keira Knightley either. And when she’s watching her wedding video she says something like “I look quite pretty!” WHAT?? I hated her character from that moment. But I haven’t watched this movie since The Walking Dead started so would be interesting to see Rick again stalking her. This movie, overall, annoys the shit out of me but it has some good storylines. I did like the Emma Thompson/Alan Rickman one. It was quite heartbreaking. What a dick!! 😦

    • Yeah – can she be any more obsessed with herself?! she’s a terrible character and she does it really well. UGH.

      I’ve never even see The Walking Dead (I know haha). Rick is a bit weird, I’m not gonna lie!

      I liked it too. Alan Rickman was quite a dick in here 😦

  3. Saw it once but never been tempted to see it again. Laura Linney was superb. I liked the Colin Firth storyline most. The Liam Neeson and son storyline was ok, but an airport run 😦

    • I’m not planning to watch it again hey. It was okay but not much more. I lthought Laura Linney was one of the best things in this film, but she got so little attention.

      Yep, they went there and I was like laaaameeee

  4. Meh, saw this recently again (didn’t even remember I had seen it when I was younger) and I was no fan. True story, not rushing for it again. You and I see quite eye to eye with most of this.

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  9. I loved it and it is my go-to Christmas movie (along with Beauty and the Beast). I agree however with the fact that there are too many characters and that some stories are just not developed enough. I agree also with all that you like 🙂

  10. Pingback: Blindspot 2016: final rankings – Life of this city girl

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