Six Degrees of Separations Blogathon: Linking Robert Downey Junior and The Green Mile


When Zoë first asked me if I would like to take part in this blogathon I was quite excited but extremely confused at the same time – the theory behind the blogathon was fantastic but sounded completely undoable.

The six degrees blogathon is based on the theory that every single person on the planet can be linked to another person in six steps. These posts connect random stars to stars or movies. Here goes!

Then I heard the topics of my linkage –  The Green Mile, an epic movie but a quite old one, and an actor I have always thought very present right now, Robert Downey Junior.

I knew I would have to bring a person in that spanned the time difference between the two links, and I was completely surprised when I finally figured it out.

Thanks for nominating me, best one! It was LOADS of fun and I can actually picture myself doing this for days on end!


1. One of Robert Downey Junior’s most known roles is as Iron Man/ Tony Stark in the Marvel Universe’s Avengers franchise

Tony Stark

RDJ is such a great, charismatic man and I respect him so much for rebuilding his life.

2. Chris Hemsworth stars with RDJ as Thor in the Avengers, and he is the brother of Liam Hemsworth in real life


(The above beauty is brother of the below beauty)


3. Liam Hemsworth is Gale Hawthorne in the Hunger Games, in which Woody Harrelson stars as Haymitch Abernathy, the mentor of Katniss and Peeta.

gale and haymitch

4. Woody Harrelson stars alongside Morgan Freeman in Now You See Me


5. Morgan Freeman also stars in the Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont


6. Frank Darabont is also the director of the Green Mile (1990)


I nominate Melissa from Snap Crackle Watch to link Robert Downey Junior with Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark. Enjoy!

PS: Go read Zoë’s post – Truly awesome!

11 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Separations Blogathon: Linking Robert Downey Junior and The Green Mile

  1. You could also have pointed out that “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption” (the full title of the novella) and “The Green Mile” were both written by Stephen King! Great list 🙂

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